Sunday, 27 June 2010

Doctor Who makes my head hurt.

Doctor Who is a show with 31 Seasons and various 'specials' under its belt. There's also a plethora of spin-off fiction... from comic books to novels to short stories to video games to audio-books to full cast audio plays.

As such, there's a ton of contradictory information out there. Let's look at one of the most iconic creatures Doctor Who has to offer:

The Daleks were once the peace-loving Dals, a race of philosophers and teachers (basically layabouts, but nice ones) who somehow got embroiled in a (short) nuclear war with the Thals... who were dicks.

So 500 years later and The Doctor and his 'pals' arrive on Skaro, and due to some First Doctor Dickery - get stuck there. Now the Dals are the Daleks - mutated forms of the original creatures in armour designed by their best scientists.

Here's the twist - Now it is the Daleks who are dicks and the Thals are all peace-loving and shit. The Doctor and The Thals team up and kill the shit out of the Daleks.

But wait, The Daleks are actually the Kaleds - basically outer-space Nazi's who insist on having a war with the Thals (who are pretty reasonable fellows) for a whole millennium. Then a scabby dude called Davros goes "The fuck with this" and decides to speed the whole thing up, mutating the Kaleds into... well... Daleks. (See what he did there)

Now, presumably because we actually see the second version of events, this is the correct one. One assumes the original story, related to the Doctor by the now-peace-loving (ie. pussy) Thals is a case of 500+ years of chinese whispers. But isn't it more interesting that the Daleks were once the peace loving Dals - rather than the Kaleds were dicks then became the Daleks... bigger dicks.

Atlantis also get's destroyed in Doctor Who. Twice. In stories involving totally different Doctors - what the hell does that do to his time-line. So what I would like to do here is try and examine the time-line of the Doctor in great detail and try and gel these wild variations together.

I would like to, but I'm not gonna. It's a TV show for fuck sakes.


  1. As much as I hate the line being overused to describe anything from continuity to the Doctors bow tie... wibbly wobbley, timey wimey is all that show needs.

    I also get angry and people who become enraged over Eastenders.

  2. Indeed - I understand there are books out there dedicated to trying to "fix" Doctor Who continuity, so that everything works together - of course this involves fore retconning that in the show itself.

    It's a TV show about time travel. We should all just go with it.
